Reflection cycles for global mindset development
Global Leadership Mindset Reflection Cycles
Transformational Journey for
Global Human Resources Participants
Our Global Leadership Reflection Circles will start shortly, with the first circle starting on November 15th. The purpose of the Global Leadership Reflection Circles is to help global leaders navigate their workforce and the associated changes in the VUCA world. It is a six-month, process-oriented, open group coaching journey that aims to unlock and learn from colleagues’ insights and experiences. The circles are led by an experienced senior executive coach to enable a deep understanding of the challenges and further learning. Within these learning and transformation circles, we create a reflective, creative and confidential space to:
Share challenges in a global environment
Exchange of experiences in intercultural settings
Experiment with creative problem solving and solution-oriented approaches
Think about global thinking, leadership style, determination, and personal impact
Develop active support, feedback and a continuous learning network Assess your level of global skills and organize a personal growth plan target group
Global executives with at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 5 years as a manager in the HR department.
How it works:
The circles begin after your assessment and the two-day Global Mindset Workshop. Circles consist of eight to twelve leaders who are led by an experienced ICF coach who moderates online sessions. Participating executives have similar leadership experience in an intercultural environment.
The bi-weekly meetings last 1.5 hours for six months. Depending on the interests of the participants, topics from the company or other relevant news, we focus on one or two topics in each session. By default, the circles run in English only The moderation approach is based on the consulting and empirical learning methods of Dr. Jörg Hruby and his ICF coaching colleague.
Optional Circle Buddy:
If you want to delve even deeper and discuss and exchange your experiences and challenges, you can work with a buddy who pairs up with one of your fellow campaigners. One-to-One Coaching Packages: 5 – 10 hours of intensive one-on-one coaching to discover and overcome your challenges, blockages and beliefs that prevent you from becoming the successful global leader you want to be. Your commitment to being part of a Global Leadership Reflection Circle means making a commitment to:
Make the Circle Meetings a Priority Work continuously on your progress Take an active part in the conversation during the circle. Share your successes and areas of development openly with the other participants make yourself vulnerable Support your colleagues in their growth Commit confidentiality
Please contact us for more information.
We are here to help. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.
Global Mindset &
Global Leadership