certificate PROGRAM
This 6-week program teaches students 6 critical global competencies. Our educators provide participants with the “hard” and “soft” skills needed to be highly effective in the worldwide economy. Our teaching methodology creates a customized learning journey. The curriculum is adapted to each student’s level of international experience, from beginner to advanced. The online learning platform includes individual assessments to evaluate what training is needed. It provides educational materials such as publications, videos, and other learning tools. Participants will interact with other students from around the world. Everyone will work in teams on a wide range of study areas that you will encounter in the business world. It will incorporate reading reflections on materials provided to advance each participant’s skill set.
The programme starts on: 2024-March-7th – Duration 6 weeks – always Thursdays
Location: Online (Zoom) (8:00am – 10:00 am Mexico City Time)
Certificate (Sample):
I – Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing Across Borders.
II – Communicating and Managing Effectively Across Cultures
III – Enhancing Listening Skills, Reflection and Mindfulness
IV – Global Management, Challenges, and Responsibilities
V – Developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
VI – Understanding Environmentral, Social, and Governance
Week 1: Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing Across Borders
Week 2: Communicating and Managing Effectively Across Cultures
Week 3: Enhancing Listening Skills, Reflection, and Mindfulness
Week 4: Global Management, Challenges, and Responsibilities
Week 5: Developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Week 6: Understanding Environmental, Social, and Governance
Participants will learn:
- To recognize the importance of a Global Leadership Mindset for Students
- To personally develop such multicultural skills by providing a learning platform for improving top 6 relevant skills and to get to know the experiential learning theory and transformational behavioral change necessary to conduct successful international business
- Discuss the challenges and opportunities of working in different global environments and doing group work with different students from any part of the world
- Develop global leadership skills for diverse and multicultural teams
- Interpret verbal and non-verbal behaviors from different cultures and discuss global strategies for overcoming cultural differences.
- Build trust across borders and by mastering the most effective techniques for managing people remotely.
- Establish a thorough understanding of the concepts and frameworks that underline international business operations from the perspective of human resources, diversity, and culture, as well as business practices that are required to compete successfully in global markets
- Strengthening of analytical and interpersonal communication skills of the participants developed, conflict resolution skills addressed.
- Develop skills to analyze communicative situations, assess cultural differences and communicate with people of the same and different backgrounds
- To see that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to establish a Global Leadership Mindset in different business functions such as in Procurement, HR, Marketing & Sales, Finance & Controlling, Logistics, IT, Research & Develoment, Supply Chain Management and Operations.
Each week International Business Students need time in the learning platform – around 5 to 8 hours – they need to read some of the papers in the program´s Platform to prepare for the class. The business school will provide a Certificate after the three month program ends. The Curriculum involves in total a workload up to 60 hours including extra time needed for a final written paper submission.
Hans Boot, Durch Denken Vorne Consult GmbH Hans Boot is Partner at the German-based Durch Denken Vorne Consult GmbH, a consulting group with a focus on procurement, logistics, and supply chain management. As a consultant, he supports companies building up (global) procurement organizations as well as implementing risk management systems and optimizing their processes and costs. Before becoming a consultant, he had several leading functions within procurement, e.g. Vice President Group Procurement at Kverneland (Kubota) and Chief Procurement Officer at Altenloh, Brinck & Co.
Dr. Amruta Kirtane Deshpande, PhD in Management (Human resource management – Career Management) MBA (HRM), MBA (Hospitality Management) B.sc (Chemistry)She Is Assistant Professor at Indira school of business studies PGDM , Pune Maharashtra India. She is MBA with over 15 years’ rich academic experience in teaching and research. She is Certified Emotional Intelligent specialist, Executive life coach and Psychometric Test Professional. she has also done global certifications in master trainer and Facilitator and Performance and competence Developer. Her specialization and teaching experience are predominantly in Organization behavior, Theory of management, Management fundamentals, Human resource management to PG and Master Students with an objective of imparting knowledge and usher students to strive for professional excellence. She has also attended various Management Development Programme by IIM’s. She is also Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator. She completed X Culture Global Research collaboration project.
She is currently working as Assistant Professor in PGDM (Human Resource Management Department) She has published 25 research papers in national and international journals on various topics like Career Management, contemporary HR practices, Recent trends in HRM.She is author and co-author of various edited books.
Jörg Hruby Ph.D., Doctorate from the Department of Organization and Economics of Institutions of the University of Graz, Austria. Diplom-Kaufmann, Doctorate from the Department of Organization and Economics of Institutions of the University of Graz, Austria. He has gained experience as a business consultant at various organizations and has undertaken research and lecturing at several universities. The Universities are located in Germany and Brazil, e.g. FDC, Insper, FIA, and FGV EAESP – leading Universities in Brazil. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Jörg Hruby is supporting students with their Bachelor/ Master/ MBA/ DBA and Ph.D. Thesis. He is currently Global Visiting Professor at Tec de Monterrey, Chihuahua Campus.
Gyongyi Konyu-Fogel Ph.D., Full Professor at California Southern University. Leadership coach, researcher, and author in the field of Global Mindset. Dr. Konyu-Fogel has extensive experience in international business, consulting, organizational development, leadership, and academic research. Having grown up in Europe and relocating to the US, she has a multicultural background and tri-lingual competency. She is a Salzburg Global Fellow, Eurozentre Cambridge Scholar, and J. Maxwell Scholar Diplomat Fellow in Washington D. C. serving on global projects and international partnerships in business and education. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Lawrence Technological University and Program Director of the Center for Global Leadership and Understanding. At California Southern University, she chairs doctoral research projects, serves on doctoral committees, and teaches Organizing and Negotiating for Value, Global Business Strategic Management, Organizational Leadership, and Global Marketing. In her empirical research, she examined global mindset skills and their effects on leadership behavior. As a consultant, she assists emerging economies on World Bank projects for foreign direct investment and market access/entry, enterprise & talent development. She is an award-winning published author, frequently presents at conferences, and serves as Keynote & Plenary Speaker. Among others, she received the McGraw-Hill Distinguished Publishing Award in Management, Academy of International Business Midwest Global Business Award, Accreditation Council for Business Schools, and Programs Teaching Excellence Award, as well as, the Academy of Business Economics Midwest President-Elect Service Award, and WV Governor’s Teaming-to-Win Service Award for Leadership in Business, Education, & Community Partnership.
Stefan Remhof Ph.D., Doctorate in Human Resource Development from The George Washington University. Professor of International Management at International University in Munich. He holds a Ph.D. in International Management (Ph.D. topic: Intention to work abroad. The impact of personality traits and international exposure). His research focus is on CQ, ex-pat management, global careers, and global mindset.
Olivier Scherlofsky, Risk Management and Intelligence Consultant – Legal Counsel with focus on U.S. and European sanctions compliance, export controls, extraterritorial reach, and geopolitics.
Since 23 years Olivier Scherlofsky, from Vienna/Austria, is living his utmost passion, around the globe: Analyzing complex situations, in order to manage compliance, security and crime risks. For his analytical skills, he among others received awards and recommendations from large private sector clients, an U.S. Special Operations School, and a NATO special unit.
He is active in two related corporations: As Partner at Austrian security firm Eventus-cpi (seat in Vienna). And as Partner at U.S. corporation RSB International, a global risk management provider (seats in New York, Washington DC, Seattle, London, Vienna). Thereby to corporate clients, value is added via (a) preventive programs, (b) handling threat situations, or (c) creating information superiority – such as for Enhanced Due Diligence prior international M&A.
Olivier Scherlofsky holds an Austrian Master in Legal Science, with special emphasis on the nexus between business law, international legal affairs, and geopolitics.
Latoya C.T. Johnson, CEO of Business Institute, studied in the areas of business and management at several prestigious institutions. Ms. Johnson is presently studying a Masters in Organizational Leadership with Buena Vista University and holds an Executive Diploma in Management (EDM) at The University of the West Indies, Masters in Business Administration specializing in Management (MBA) at The Nova Southeastern University, Bachelors in Administration and Management at Sojourner-Douglass College and a double Associate Degrees at Success Training College in Banking and Finance and Computer Information Systems.
Business Owner of Tazel’s Fashions for over twenty years and a part time nail technician. She also teaches short term courses in the business management and computer related fields. Presently, she is the official Licensee for (LMI) Leadership Management International Incorporated that facilitates courses in Leadership and Effective Personal Productivity. Being a multi-talented entrepreneur has its challenges but Ms. Johnson has the time to have a full time job at The University of The Bahamas as an Administrative Assistant. Ms. Johnson has developed many courses through Business Institute that have developed successful entrepreneurs and office professionals alike.
Khaled Hamed Human Resource Management Diploma from Boston College Human Resource Management Diploma presented by International Foundation for Training & Development Human Resource Management Diploma, Canadian Training Center of Human Development. Multilingual speaker in 9 languages. Pro coach ICF ,EMCC, official Partner to {WBECS } World Business & Executive Coach Summit Professional Development in international and American education technology and AI , top member and Multilingual translator on GDL global digital library.
International Teachers Association ITA. ITA Global Director of Education ITA International Project Manager Member at {MLW} UNESCO Paris- France, certified by { IAP } International Association of Prosecutors {UNESCO }. WSD ambassador for Egypt. T4 ambassador for teachers MyMobileUni Ambassador by LTT global T4 ambassador for Global Teacher Poll Member at T4 Communities Member of TransformingEducation Summit team,UNChancellerie for Africa by, (Student Chancellery of Colombia),Latin America traveled to more than 20 countries around the world to support for coaching in education.
Akin Oparison He is a Senior Fellow at the Lagos Business School, which is a Business School ranked by FT. He also runs a consultancy practice called 3e Performance, which supports individuals to bring out their leadership potential, so that they and their organizations can achieve their full potential. He holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and a Doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in Business Policy and Organizational Development from the University of Wales, Cardiff.
For over seven years, Akin served as the HR Vice President for Royal Dutch Shell’s Downstream Business in Africa. He was also a member of the Executive Management Team for Shell Oil Products Africa and the Shell Downstream Global HR Leadership team, based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
He worked as a Management Consultant with Price Waterhouse where he handled various Human Capital related assignments, including Organizational Development and Change Management Interventions in a wide range of organizations in the private sector, public sector, and NGOs. Additionally, he held senior executive HR positions in Sterling Winthrop and British American Tobacco. He has lived and worked in different countries across four continents, including the UK, Russia, USA, Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria. After gaining over 25 years of management and leadership experience in blue chip multinational companies, he now finds joy in supporting others as a coach and consultant. He is also on the faculty of an FT ranked Business School and enjoys writing.
Dr. Stephan Ruppert Education 2019 University Certificate “Intercultural Competence” of the University of Jena. 2022 Certificate as Intercultural Business Trainer/Moderator (IBT/M). Professional background 23 years of management experience in a global cosmetics company and working with people from diverse
cultures. 3 years living & working in Central China (Wuhan) (setting up an R&D center, managing employees, applicant selection). 4 years experience as a trainer for intercultural communication in an international corporation and as a freelance trainer.
Consulting and training focus Intercultural communication/leadership Expat-Trainings for China & Germany China competence. Organization and business development workshops and facilitation. My strengths .Passion for the topic of intercultural communication. Own management experience from practice. Other. Many years of practical experience as a manager in a large corporation,, Training languages German and Englsh.
Melanie 🇩🇪
Clearly this program allowed me to acquire tools to be able to perform and develop myself in a more open, natural, and comfortable way in this context, and to feel confident to build a leadership marked by a global mindset.
The key takeaway from the whole experience of this program, I believe, is to understand the global mindset not as a watertight knowledge that one can receive through lectures, and that is tested to your level in a conventional university exam. On the contrary, possessing and developing a global mindset is a finite process, but rather a daily learning process, exercised on a daily basis. Unlike what is conventionally learned at university, whether in undergraduate, masters or doctoral programs, learning and incorporating a global mindset means never ceasing to be a “student”. After this program, I could not say that thanks to having a certificate, I have already endorsed my “global mindset”, since this has been the first glimpse of a process that begins now but never ends, as it involves perseverance and daily learning.
I would keep searching for more and I ended upfinding an endless world of knowledge that I didn´t know that exists, and measuring theimportance to train the soft skills and the positive impact they have in our professional andpersonal life.This experience was like a breeze of fresh air in the middle of the routine because it made medisconnect, interact with new amazing people, and change my normal mind-set. Also, it wasreally empowering because I proved myself I can handle the challenge of going out of mycomfort zone to the unknown and be successful at it.This program made me think in a more holistic way by opening my mind to new ideas, newperspectives, and the important concept that I have my own personal reality that is only mineand can be completely different from other´s.My biggest eye opener was the lack of knowledge I have in cultural differences. I am aperson who has never felt intrigue by geography or history, and I used to consider pointless toremember dates, important events or even places from around the world because I can justcheck it online. But when I had to interact with people in the course and took the sixthassignment I realized how big of a difference can make in a relationship to know some basicinformation about someone else’s culture.Before the course I was a person who didn’t take that big of an effort tokeep my relationships healthy, because it was never hard to me to find new ones, and Inever realized what I have lost throughout the years.Also, the mindfulness skill made me be a person who is more in the present, and connectwith was it happening around me besides living in the past o in the future, this helped mereduce stress and enjoy more my day-to-day, and this is something my friends and familyremark me in a positive way.
My main motivation for developing Global Leader Mindset competencies was the realization that such skills are a staple in today’s job market. The Global Leadership Mindset program helped me gain knowledge in soft skills such as emotional intelligence, through which I try to understand the emotions of the people I work with. During the program, I worked with a group of international students, supported them, and wanted to learn about their culture and customs. This course allowed me to learn about other countries directly from locals. I feel definitely more confident in international contacts and encouraged to create just such contacts – they are very valuable.
The program helped me have an open mind in everyday situations requiring solutions to complex problems by having intercultural communication skills that were demonstrated to me during the course. Even though I have participated in cultural exchanges in countries such as Sweden, Germany and Spain and have already worked in international student groups many times, I still managed to gain new skills related to the global mindset. The Global Mindset program offered me a well-structured curriculum over the past few months to develop the skills required in a challenging multicultural environment. It was my pleasure to be part of the Global Leadership Mindset Development program, which was a great opportunity to work on my strengths in order to become the best and most competent Global Mindset Leader possible. The program made me better understand the mechanics of large organizations that span multicultural environments. Learning in an international group of students helped me break through and develop my global interpersonal skills.
Self-awareness competence had the biggest AHA effect on me, I knew about the importance of feedback before, but it was interesting to get to know how to handle the feedback properly. It helped me to see the feedback as an opportunity to develop rather than something negative. I learned about myself that sometimes I struggle with handling feedback properly, so I did a mind-shift in this case and now I handle it a way better. I do not take it personally that much and I don’t feel offended anymore.
I think that before this program I would be afraid to travel alone, and I would be too shy to start a conversation with a stranger. I think that this program motivated me to search for a job abroad in the future or at least to find a job in a multicultural company. I want to continue meeting new people.
This program helped me to learn how to communicate in multicultural teams, how to understand others, and how to be more empathic. It also helped me to be able to finish tasks and to motivate people in order to achieve together the organizational goals.
Finally, I would like to say that thanks to this course I have been able to carry out a 360 evaluation and realize what I lack in order to start working on them and developing them more and more from now on. I am very grateful to the teachers and my teammates and I commit to myself to continue working on these skills to be a better leader; a better leader for the rest and especially for myself.
Jackeline Fernandez 
A global mindset is a flexible and big educational program in which I re-learned and consolidated my knowledge of international business management. The program goes from more different elements which are important specifics on how to make good relationships whit business partners and employees. I look forward to attending this program, where I gained knowledge from important educational institutions such as Harvard Business School, experienced businesspeople, and lecturers. I’m sure this will help me when I need to be focused on building relationship in a new environment.
The Global Mindset Program was very informative, the various speakers were very good, it was a great experience being able to do this course and I would advise anyone that is in Business to do this course it will definitely uplift your business career to another level. Mr. Joerg is awesome and a people person, he is extremely helpful. Again, I encourage anyone to take this course you won’t be disappointed.
This global program is a program to help develop a global leadership mindset. In this Program, all participants go through a variety of different skills. Based on those skills there is once a week, during the 12-week course, a presentation from a different person from all over the world who explains the topic further. During this time there were many interesting presentations about Global Mobility, Global Procurement, and Talent Management just to name a few. All presentations are from professionals who work in that field. It’s a great way to get to know new professions and skills that are necessary to work internationally. Further, I want to show you one of the skills I improved, and what I have learned, and I will reflect on the skill on a personal level. I decided to write about the skill Perception/ Knowledge of cultural differences, as I believe it is one of the most important skills to develop and to be aware of. We live in an interconnected world, and we need to be able to acknowledge the differences in other cultures to be able to work together. In this globalized world, we are in constant contact with people from other cultures maybe your college, neighbor, or friend is coming from a different cultural background than you. Acknowledge and be aware of cultural differences is the first step in the right direction to be more open-minded. Cross-cultural connection is one of the topics taught in this chosen skill. A good way to bring people together is through storytelling. Stories draw people in and make people feel less alone. They have the power to give people chills, make them cry, laugh, get angry, and become invested. Stories are a form of therapy and a safe haven. It is necessary to set a common ground and be able to talk to people and try to understand one another. Another way to communicate and connect with people is through silent communication. Gestures, tone of voice, grins, grimaces, shrugs, nods, moving away or closer, crossing arms and legs tells us far more than words. The best way to shed your stance of superiority is to learn more about other cultures. Adopt an attitude of curiosity. Be curious and ask questions, do not take on a defensive gesture, and be open to new things.
The experiencing has been life changing for me not just emotionally and psychological but also morally and professionally.
Personally, i have decided to study more go through the lesson again gradually and gain more inside on the lesson and do more research.
My motivation to develop a Global Leadership Mindset stems from recognizing the increasing interconnectedness and global nature of today’s business world.
Psychologically, the experience has boosted my confidence in doing business abroad.
I Will improve my business skills and grow bigger in it my social interaction with others.
Before the program i wasnt aware about critical thinking and i was very unsocial about networking. I really learned more about my countrys culture and critical thinking and my ways of reasoning towards business aspects.
- Students are from all over the world (last cohort came from 15 countries, and 65 participants).
- 6 weeks in a pre-defined multicultural group with giving and receiving feedback from participating participants.
- 12 International Professors giving 6 weeks classes from all over the world (each Thursday for around 2 hours).
- Recorded sessions and fascinating multicultural group work.
- Online learning platform via smartphone accessible for 6 weeks.
- Certificate gives your future employer more credibility for a global job.
- Networking with interesting elite University students with only one partner school per country.
- We provide clearly defined and well-vetted techniques.
- Our teaching platform of best practices will enable participants to become highly effective in the global economy.
- This established course provides hands-on instruction from a faculty of experienced professors, authors, and business professionals.
- Our customized training covers the most important global topics due to our global experiences.
- We train students in 6 critical global competencies

Registration Information | Type | Cost | Register |
Certificate Program for Bachelor Students | Online Course | According to country | Register |
Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Jörg Hruby
Diplom-Kaufmann, Dr. rer. soc. oec., Managing Director
Doctorate from the Department of Organization and Economics of Institutions of the University of Graz, Austria. Diplom-Kaufmann, Doctorate from the Department of Organization and Economics of Institutions of the University of Graz, Austria. He has gained experience as a business consultant at various organizations and has undertaken research and lecturing at several universities. The Universities are located in Germany and Brazil, e.g. FDC, Insper, FIA, and FGV EAESP – leading Universities in Brazil. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Jörg Hruby is supporting students with their Bachelor/ Master/ MBA/ DBA and Ph.D. Thesis. He is currently Global Visiting Professor at Tec de Monterrey, Chihuahua Campus.
Jörg Hruby is one of the leading experts and authors in the field of Global Mindset.
Please contact us.
Global Mindset &
Global Leadership