Below you will find a selection of our publications and studies on the subject of Global Mindset.
Mello, R. (2017): The characteristics of the Global Mindset in the context of the New Supply Chain Agenda [In German]
Global supply chains have evolved from pure production efficiency to a value-added system. This necessary transformation process is illustrated in the literature by the five pillars of the New Supply Chain Agenda (NSCA). The three dimensions of the global mindset – intellectual capital, social capital, as well as psychological capital – are analyzed and integrated into the context of the worldwide economy. This paper is a short overview of the future challenges in supply chain management and an intensive discussion of intercultural competence Supply Chain Management. This bundle of necessary competencies, which an internationally oriented executive must have to lead employees, teams or entire organizations in the sense of the goal achievement, is then placed to the pillars of the New Supply Chain agenda. The important link of the two models as well as the associated possibilities to meet the requirements for global diversity are illustrated by recent case studies.
Hruby, J., Watkins-Mathys, L., Hanke, T. (2016): Antecedents and Outcomes of a Global Mindset: A Thematic Analysis of Research from 1994 to 2013 and Future Research Agenda
Within the literature of global mindset, there has been much discussion of antecedents. Few attempts have been made, however, to analyze the outcomes of a global mindset. Our chapter undertakes a thematic analysis of global mindset antecedents and results in the 1994–2013 literature. Adopting an inductive approach and borrowing methods from international business and managerial cognition studies, we map, assess, and categorize 42 empirical and ten theoretical studies thematically. We focus on the antecedents and outcomes at an individual, group, and organizational levels. We conceptualize the global corporate mindset as a multidimensional construct that incorporates global mindset at the individual level and is dependent on a robust communications infrastructure strategy for its cultivation throughout the organization. Our study categorizes antecedents and outcomes by level and identifies the gaps in global mindset outcomes and firm performance for future researchers to address.
Hanke, T., Hruby, J. (2015): Global denken und Handeln
[Global think and act] [In German]Many companies are already internationally aligned. Nonetheless, in the future, managers and companies will have to act globally even more so. A Global Mindset needs to be in employees heads and embedded in organizations.
Karlshaus, A., Mello, R. (2015): Die Brücke ins Ausland schlagen
[Building the bridges overseas] [In German]
Only one in five expats is a woman. As part of a study from the Cologne Business School, female expats were asked about and evaluated why they dare to take the step overseas only rarely and how HR can encourage the gender diversity on assignments.
Hruby, J., Hanke, T. (2015): Global Mindset als Teil der Unternehmensidentität
[Global Mindset as component of a company's identity] [In German]
Even though internationalization is advanced in many companies, in the future managers and employees will have to act globally even more so. The dilemma between global standardization and local adaptation has an effect not only on products and strategies, but also on the global HR department.
Hanke, T., Hruby, J. (2015): Erfolg auf internationaler Ebene
[Success at international level] [In German]
Internationalization has already become an imperative for many companies. One of the strategical success factors is the implementation of appropriate strategies that takes on board the conflict between global standardization and local adaptation. From this emerged, the concept of “Global Mindset” as a means of sustaining competitive advantage. Nevertheless, what lies behind this concept is explained as well as how to recognize whether a Global Mindset is present.
Hruby, J., Hanke, T. (2014): Mindsets für das Management
[Mindsets for the Management] [In German]
Everybody has limits on their capacity to absorb information. How does Management select the right people with the right skills, who are at the right time in the right place, to meet the demands set by the ever-growing market competition? In today’s dynamic world of business, employees of an organization must work with a range of complexity, ambiguity, and diversity. To be able to do this, we need to understand the DNA of cognitive thinking, the so-called mindset. However, what is a mindset, and how can we increase and measure it?
Hruby, J. (2014): Global Mindsets [In German]
The development of a global mindset is a critical success factor of a company in the international competitive context. A global mindset is defined as the cognitive skill to understand and connect different cultures. The role of managers is to work around complexity, diversity, uncertainty and ambiguity, to facilitate teamwork among people from different countries and cultures, to coordinate employees and processes in different places, as well as to arrange operations across national, organizational and functional boundaries. Studies prove that a global mindset positively influences a company’s Success. Possibilities for measuring or diagnosing a company’s global mindset are recommended to complete this process.
Hruby, J. (2013): Das Global Mindset von Managern
[The Global Mindset of Managers] [In German]
AIB Insights: Vol. 20, Issue 1
This special issue of AIB Insights focuses on the responsibilities of educators in international business.
It includes “Global Citizenship and Business Education” by José de la Torre and Corinne Young; “Conceptualizing the Responsible Learning Framework for International Business Faculty Development” by Jörg Hruby, Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto, and Umesh Mukhi; “Changes in Globalization: How Should IB Education Respond?” by Nancy Buchan, Elizabeth Ravlin, and Orgul Ozturk; “The Renewed Relevancy of High-Impact Practices” by Astrid Schmidt-King; “Preparing Students for the ‘Next’ Global” by David Berg; and “Bringing the Dark Side of International Business into the Classroom” by Donna Cooke, Frank DuBois, Rajeev Sawant, David Sprott, Len Treviño.
Further publications
Hruby, J. Terrel, St. and Mukhi, U. (2021) How to measure the individual learning outcome of a Global Leadership Development Program (GLDP)? (To be submitted to Advances in Developing Human Resources)
Hruby, J. Almeida, P. and Tanase (2021) Global Leadership Development Program Design: Where do we go from here? Global evidence from Europe, the US and Brazil (Thunderbird International Business Review) to be revised till 3. August 2021
Hruby, J. Samunderu, Röger, I. and Wang, J. (2021) A new era of Global HR Competency Model – Evidence from Global HR Positions (submitted to Human Resource Development International)
Hruby, J. (2020) A ROADMAP TO GLOBAL LEADERSHIP: Auswahl, Entwicklung, Training und Coaching, in: PERSONALintern, Ausgabe 23, Juni 2020
Hruby, J. Watkins, L. and Foster, J. (2018) Cultivating a Corporate Global Mindset and Organisational Identity and Sensemaking: management consultants’ experiences”, in: International Journal of Global Management Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1.
Hruby, J. (2018) Global Mindset aus der Sicht der Personalentwicklung, in: Zeitschrift Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung, Februar 2018
Hruby, J. und Zacriti, H. (2018) Global Mindset: Quo Vadis?, in: PersonalIntern, Ausgabe 9 und 10, März 2018
Hruby, J. and Guerrero, R. (2018) Cultivating a Corporate Global Mindset: An exploratory attempt to connect Global Mindset with Organizational Identity, in: Academy of International Business, UK-Ireland
Hruby, J., Terrel, St. and Flügge, G. (2021) Global Leadership Mindset (GLM): Development, Research, and Methods (submitted to Thunderbird International Business Review)
Hruby, J., Terrel, St. and Flügge, G. (2021) Global Leadership Mindset (GLM): Development with Efficiency (submitted to Thunderbird International Business Review)
Hruby, J. Calixto, C. V. and Mukhi, U. (2020) Conceptualizing the responsible learning framework for international business faculty development, AIB Insights, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 10-14
Hruby, J. Mukhi, U. and Schröter, N. (2020) Enhancing and Fostering Cultural Intelligence: An Experiential Learning Approach in a University Setting, Journal of International Business Education 15., pp. 89-122.
Hruby, J. Mello, R. und Samunderu, E. (2018) Unpacking the Complexities of Global Mindset: A Multi-lens Analysis, Advances in Global Leadership, Vol. 11, pp. 97-143.
Hruby, J. Watkins-Matthys, L. and Foster, J. (2017) Linking Corporate Global Mindset and Organizational Identity: extending and advancing the theory-building process using consultants’ perspectives. International Journal of Global Management Studies Vol. 7 (1), pp. 1-49.
Hruby, J. Watkins-Matthys, L. (2016). Antecedents and outcomes of a global mindset: A critical review, submitted to Advances in Global Leadership Book series Volume 9, (Eds. Osland, Ming and Mendenhall), pp. 213-280.
Apfelthaler, G., Shane, M. J. & Hruby, J. (2012). It’s a Jungle Out There. On Managerial Cognition, Change, and Learning during Internationalization, International Journal of Global Management Studies, Vol. 3(2), 22-54.
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